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LRHE Resources

Science Education and the Learning Sciences: A coevolutionary connection

This is a chapter authored by Nancy Songer and Yael Kali that is included in the Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences.

Eco-Solutioning: The Design and Evaluation of a Curricular Unit to Foster Students’ Creation of Solutions to Address Local Socio-Scientific Issues

This is an article by Nancy Songer and Guillermo D. Ibarrola Recalde that was published in the Frontiers in Education journal.

Navigated learning: An approach for differentiated classroom instruction built on learning science and data science foundations

This is an article by Nancy Songer, Michelle Newstadt, Kathleen Lucchesi, and Prasad Ram published in the Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies journal.

How do interdisciplinary teams co-construct instructional materials emphasising both science
and engineering practices?

This is a journal article written by Tamara Galoyan and Nancy Songer that examines how teams approach science and engineering curriculum development. It was published in the International Journal of Science Education.


Usable STEM Knowledge: Harnessing Science Learning Towards the Design of Solutions - AERA version

AERA 2023 Poster

This poster was presented at the American Educational Research Association's (AERA) 2023 Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, USA.

Usable STEM Knowledge: Harnessing Science Learning Towards the Design of Solutions - DRK-12 version

DRK-12 Poster

This poster was created for the Discovery Research PreK-12 (DRK-12) funding opportunity provided by the National Science Foundation.


Taking Action ebook


Taking Action! Ebook

This ebook describes the solutioning approach used by Life Right Here and Everywhere. It also details how educators and curriculum designers can use this approach to create opportunites for students to generate solutions to local problems.

Additional Media

Case Studies of a Suite of Next Generation Science Instructional, Assessment, and Professional Development Materials in Diverse Middle School Settings

Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Eduation (CADRE) spotlight on Life Right Here and Everywhere.

Usable STEM knowledge for tomorrow’s STEM

Open Access Government article about how STEM education allows students to design solutions to problems.

Training a new generation of problem solvers

Open Access Government article about the eco-solutioning approach.

Why is engineering design important for all leaners?

Open Access Government article about design features that are a part of a successful an engineering curriculum.

Last Updated: 7/11/23